Pre-order SUPERNOVA!

We are SO excited. For a limited time, Girlyman will be taking PRE-ORDERS for our brand new full-length studio album, SUPERNOVA!

Pre-ordering SUPERNOVA means that you’ll receive your copies sometime early next year, before the official release date, which is yet to be determined. Doris, Ty, Nate, and JJ will lovingly sign each copy and mail it to you stat!

The cost of $25 per CD includes domestic shipping and handling and helps Girlyman to recover some of the costs of recording and manufacturing the new CD.

But here’s a way to sweeten the deal:

Share SUPERNOVA with someone in your life. Pre-order two or more CDs, and give the extra copies of SUPERNOVA to friends/family/co-workers whom you know would love Girlyman. As our thanks for spreading the Girlyword and maximizing your support, we’ll send you a download of a BONUS TRACK that will not be on the album! AND, for some rainy day listening, we’ll also send you a copy of “The Tuning Songs Collection, Vol. 1.”

Girlyfans have always been the engine of this band. Your pre-order literally and directly helps us to keep touring and making music. All of us here at Girlyman Central thank you for supporting independent music!



It’s hard to explain how excited we are to be releasing this CD out into the world. We feel like, in many ways, SUPERNOVA is a bit of a miracle.

With Doris’s diagnosis of leukemia last November, we didn’t know if Girlyman would even continue. But continue we did! Doris has had an incredible recovery, inspired in very large part by playing, touring and writing.

As it turns out, a supernova is the death of a star. To be exact, it’s the explosion of a supergiant star that shines with the brightness of 10 billion suns before fading out. But here’s the thing that really floored us: the shock waves from supernova explosions can trigger the formation of brand new stars.

This seemed to encapsulate everything we’ve gone through over this last year: death of a way of life, massive change, transformation, fear, and ultimately – new hope and a new start.

Thrilled to still be out there making music again, we’ve really put our hearts and souls into this project. For most of the last couple of months, we’ve sequestered ourselves away in Nate’s home studio, with piano, drum-set, guitars, bass, banjo, organ, and mandolin all within arm’s reach. We began by sitting in a circle facing each other, and just played through each song, recording as we went. Many of the final arrangements on the CD are taken from these initial run-throughs. Doris is playing bass on a lot of the tracks, a first for her; Ty has been acting as “lyric ninja,” writing and re-writing lines; Nate is playing lots of piano and pulling triple duty as engineer, co-producer and musician; and JJ has dusted the cobwebs off her first drum-set (a vintage ’79 Gretsch) and started playing with sticks to get an even bigger drum sound. Everyone is producing and arranging. Some songs have already been in rotation during our live shows, like “Supernova” (of course), “The Person You Want,” “Best I Could,” and “Soul of You.” Others were written over the past year but have just now been arranged. Still others were songwriting collaborations that didn’t come together until the final weeks of recording.

We are so excited about how it’s all sounding – rich, upbeat, reflective, and very, very Girlyman! We’re thrilled to be recording for the first time with our newest member, drummer JJ Jones. Even our besties Coyote Grace make an appearance on a few tracks. And, while we’re in NYC next month, we’ll mix the CD with one of our favorites in the business, Ben Wisch, whose sublime artistry helped make our last CD, “Everything’s Easy,” into the record it is.

We can’t wait for you to hear this thing!

Thanks again, and don’t forget to PRE-ORDER!

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17 Responses to Pre-order SUPERNOVA!

  1. Crystal says:

    Hi there! I am unable to access your pre-order link from any of the links! Let us know how we can pre-order! Thanks, CM

  2. stacy says:

    what if i already purchased the tuning song collection? (and am I the only one who halfway expects to hear them at shows because I actually think of them as just more Girlyman songs?)

    • Ty says:

      Good question, Stacy! We’ll still send you a bonus track if you order 2 or more CDs, and we’d love it if you’d pass The Tuning Songs Collection along to someone who could use a laugh. 🙂

  3. Ani Carey says:

    Looking forward to the new edge of Girlyman. I adore Girlyman — from the bottom of my ever lovin’ heart — thank you!

  4. Shayna says:

    I cannot express the excitement I had at the announcement of the Pre-Order of Supernova (there were actual ‘SQUEEs’)!

    A journey in the making — as life itself is.

    Girlyman is always inspiring, at once humble — and the best freaking live show around!

    Congrats on the newest album! And cant wait to see you all again!

  5. Erin says:

    I am so excited…I finally, FINALLY got to order Everything’s Easy, and I preordered 2 copies of Supernova.
    See, the last time I saw Girlyman was when they performed at the Ark in Ann Arbor, MI in 2009. It was a WONDERFUL show, and I got the recording of that night of course! But not too long after, I spilt up with my partner of 7 years, who had been at the show with me. Listening to the recording – I swear at some points I can hear us laughing! – just hurt for so long. (Don’t get me started on the weepfest that accompanies Tell Me There’s A Reason!) So I needed to give it a break for a bit til it was less raw. But then I was BROKE, and I couldn’t buy the new CD! Noooooo! On this happy day though, almost 2 and a half years later, it’s the day after my birthday and I knew exactly what present I wanted to buy myself.
    And my 2nd copy of Supernova? Going to be mailed to the ex back in Michigan- we will both be Girlyman fans til the end, that never changed!
    I can’t wait to get Everything’s Easy to tide me over until Supernova is released. Thank you for all that you do – can’t wait until you have the chance to perform in Milwaukee (where I am now) again!

  6. Bobbie says:

    Can’t wait to get the new CD! Glad you are still energy-filled and blessing us all with your creativity!

  7. Meg says:

    Pre-ordered SUPERNOVA last night at the World Cafe Live concert in Philly – can’t wait to get it! Thanks as always for a great show last night – y’all are the best!!

    So glad you had Coyote Grace along for the ride again too – they are now one of my other favorite groups since I first found out about them at your last World Cafe Live show earlier this year!

  8. Pingback: Girlyman and Coyote Grace at The Barns at Wolf Trap | Random Musings

  9. Kirk Summers says:

    Can’t wait to have you back at The Red Cat (formerly o kafes!) in Birmingham! As soon as your shopping cart is back up, I’ll pre-order Supernova . . .

  10. Gayle says:

    Hey lovelies, was wondering if there was an international shipping option for the pre-order? 🙂

  11. Ryan Ruopp says:

    Just saw your show at the Iron Horse and pre-ordered today. You did a great job selling the new album with your performances of “Supernova” and other new tracks – I particularly liked the song about trying to convince an artist not to be so resentful. It’s always good to see you guys having so much fun up there. Thanks for the music!

  12. Pingback: Girlyman at Joe’s Pub | Random Musings

  13. Sydney says:

    I got Girlyman music for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. ML says:

    I pre-ordered Supernova a couple months ago! Just wondering if there’s an update on its arrival. Everywhere on the site just says “early 2012.” Thanks– I’m a huge fan!

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