Become a Girlyman Subscriber

Hello from Atlanta! I’m about to say something you’ve never heard us say before: We’ve just spent almost three months at home. Yes, that’s right – for the first time in many years, Girlyman has been off the road long enough to eat, sleep, and exercise on a regular basis. We’ve also been able to devote a lot more time to writing, recording, and practicing.

Nate’s been recording songs from his vast archive, enjoying being back in the studio. Ty has finished tracking her solo album, created a website, and did a short, fun tour with our favorite trio, Coyote Grace. JJ has been taking online drum lessons and studying rudiments, and setting up a stained glass studio in her house. And Doris has been writing almost a song a day, and is teaching herself the beautiful art of paper cutting.

Why are we telling you all this?

Many of you have asked if there’s some way you can continue to have access to the band while we’re on hiatus. We’ve even dropped hints about how you can have a front row seat to our music during this time. Some of you have also asked how you can “give back” for some of the joy that Girlyman has brought you over the years. Well, we’ve created a way that you can do both!

Become a Girlyman Subscriber!

As a Girlyman Subscriber, you will be given access to a members-only page on our website containing content that will be updated every month through the end of 2013. Along with a summary about what each band member is up to, content will include things like mp3s of brand new songs, song and lyric sketches, demo-style recordings of songs in progress, fun Q & A style interviews interspersed with song requests (either performed live on, or as pre-recorded videos), instructional videos about how to play Girlyman songs, and free downloads of some of our favorite live shows from the archives! We’ll be adding content throughout the month, so you can get your Girlyfix on drip.

How does it work?

You designate your subscription level (as little as $10, or as much as $500 per month) and authorize us via your PayPal account (which accepts payments from Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Card, or your checking or savings account). No matter what level you subscribe at, you will have access to the same content! Your monthly subscription will remain in effect from January through December 2013, unless you notify us that you’d like to change your subscription level or cancel altogether. It’s that simple!

How long will the Girlyman Subscription program last?

Right now, Girlyman Subscription is slated to run through 2013, as a way for us to share our projects with you during our touring hiatus. In 2014, depending on the popularity of the program, we may decide to continue for another year, regardless of whether we resume touring. But for now, as a subscriber, you can look forward to 12 months of Girlyman!

Hey! It’s holiday season. Can I give a subscription as a gift?

Sure!  Simply create an account for the gift recipient on the sign up page. Use their email address to sign up for the account (not yours.) They’ll get a notice as soon as you sign them up, letting them know they are now a Girlyman Subscriber!  (If you’d like it to be a surprise, you might want to send an e-card or an email in advance, letting them know a very special gift is on its way).

How does this help Girlyman?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a patron as “a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter,” and NPR describes sponsorship as a way to “fuel the future” of the arts. Perhaps some of you already give to NPR or public television. In a similar way, becoming a Girlyman Subscriber makes you part of a very special group of people willing to put both belief and resources behind Girlyman’s music. In an economy devoid of arts funding, we’ve found ourselves forced to tour relentlessly simply in order to pay our bills. While we want to keep making music and writing songs, that will become harder and harder to sustain off the road. We think it’s a true win-win: You get access to what we make, and we are able to afford to keep making it.

What about live shows in the future? 

While none of us knows what the future holds, we do know that we are each dedicated to making lots more music. When we decided to take time off, we knew that the experience would take us where we need to go. Right now, in order to take care of our health and our lives, we’ve committed to taking 2013 off the road (with the exception of a show in Plymouth, NH in April), and then re-evaluating. Whether or not we tour as a band in the future, Girlyman is already different from what it was, because we’re all changing. And we already have lots of new music to show for it. We’re excited to share what we’ve been up to!

Click here to become a member.

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5 Responses to Become a Girlyman Subscriber

  1. Simon Maybury says:

    Dear Doris, Ty, Nate, JJ,

    I try to avoid monthly payments because I would rather track one big transaction than 12 little ones. What would be the most convenient way for me to give you $200 for the year in one transaction ?

    Here’s an idea. What about all those show recordings which were never available to those of us who were not there ? I don’t think those who did attend expect any exclusivity. For a minimal effort (assuming you have the original files you used to burn the CDs) you could upload the MP3s rather than burning CDs (and this would be my reason to start using MP3s, just as Girlyman was my reason (still my only reason) for using Facebook). For the maximum revenue maybe you could provide a way for us to vote for the available performances; those which prove to be most popular (perhaps divide by the number in the audience?) would be the ones to upload first. I don’t know the most convenient way on your website to link payment to delivery, but perhaps $5 or $10 would get us a download key which would last for 3 months ?


  2. Kate says:

    You guys are my absolute favorite band on the planet. I basically cried when I met you in Arcata. I have purchased all of your albums and go to your shows whenever possible. I am a loyal fan, but I do not have the funds to support any membership. Will I still have access to tour dates and certain updates? Or will I be cutoff from any band info? I truly hope to stay connected and support how I can but financially I’m limited. I have to say, a $10.00 minimum isn’t easy for some folk.

    I am so grateful for the amazing music you guys put out as it’s been a true part of my life and I will continue to support you by buying albums and attending your amazing shows.

  3. Terry Reid says:

    As wonderful as this sounds to take a peek into how you all put everything together and the process of writing, I feel I’m looking at the remnants of a Girlyman Break up. And I don’t think I could stand watching that in process. 🙁

  4. Bill says:

    I’m in. 🙂

  5. Sara says:

    Hi Girlyman,
    Onya for taking some time out–you (and all the rest of us) need to do that regularly! I wanted to share a quick story about how you helped me out this year. For a couple of weeks, I had to live alone in a beautiful but unheated barn with a gravel floor and almost no utilities, next to a pond where someone had lost his life a few years ago. I don’t do well in a building by myself, and I was especially worried about this potentially dreary situation. Among my three most important solutions was this: I bought all of the Girlyman albums that I didn’t already have and put them all into a giant Girlylist that I had playing nearly non-stop. You filled that barn with music and, and in so doing, helped to make the experience not just tolerable but good. What a relief! Thanks to all of you!!! Sara

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