Girlyman Subscriptions Canceled

Hello, dear friends! Some of you may have seen our announcement before the holidays about the Girlyman Subscription program that we had scheduled to go from January through the end of 2013. Our intention in launching the program was to maintain a connection with our fans during our time off the road and to share some of what we’re creating while there’s no other way to access our music. We had hoped that it would be exciting for those of you who have followed us for years to have a front row seat, perhaps for the first time, to our creative process, and to that end we planned to share demos, instructional videos, etc. We had also hoped that the program would help us get through what is sure to be a lean time financially – that it would be, like all our creative endeavors as Girlyman, a win-win situation for us and our fans.

However, immediately following our announcement we were disheartened by a stream of negative feedback the likes of which we’ve never experienced from our fans in our 11 years as Girlyman. Some were upset by the price of the program – while our intention was to make it affordable for as many people as possible, we also needed it to be worth the time and effort of creating the content. Others were put off by the idea of us “taking time off” and getting paid for it. Still others felt uncomfortable supporting what they perceive as a band breakup. The overall sense we got was one of eroding our longstanding good faith with our fans, and to us that’s too high a price.

Therefore, after much reflection, we’ve decided to cancel the Subscription Program. Those of you who have already signed up will not be charged any further. You’ll be able to log in until Jan 31, so enjoy the downloads until then.

We love our fans very much, and we treasure the relationship we’ve built over these years, which has always been characterized, we hope, by transparency and respect. In that spirit, we offer the following Q&A to address some of the questions you’ve been sending our way.

We hope you all are having a wonderful new year, and we’ll keep you posted on any Girlynews on our Facebook page and via occasional emails. Thanks again for all your support through the years!

Q: Why are you taking time off the road?
A: The short answer is that our touring model has become unsustainable – financially, emotionally, and health-wise – in different ways for each of us. For a longer explanation, see –

Q: Is Girlyman breaking up?
A: The most honest answer is we really don’t know. Perhaps the best way to say it is that the Girlyman we were before is over, and we don’t yet know if there will be another incarnation. In order to know what comes next, we need to take some time to work on other projects and to get some much-needed rest.

Q: Is this because Ty wanted to make a solo album?
A: Absolutely not. Ty had been planning to make a solo album for years, and her work on it in 2012 was unrelated to the band’s unanimous decision to take time off of Girlyman later in the year. As tempting as it can be to want to blame one person or one factor, this really was a group decision, and there were many factors.

Q: Will the other members be releasing solo albums?
A: It’s quite likely. Like we said in our announcement, everyone is still writing and staying creative. We’re not done yet, by any means!

Q: What about the Girlyman kid’s album we heard rumors of?
A: It’s in the works and some of the basic tracks have already been recorded. We don’t have a specific timeline for completion yet, but when we do, we will let you know.

Q: But what if I already subscribed to the program? I really wanted to help out and be tuned in to what Girlyman is up to creatively, and it seems unfair that the negative feedback won out.
A: Instead of running a subscription program, we’ll be offering some free content on our Facebook page and website, and will keep you updated with any news that seems fun and/or relevant via our email list and social media. You can keep up with various band members’ projects via the same channels.

Q: How can I best support and be involved with Girlyman now?
A: We would absolutely love to have you be involved with our new projects! All of us have musical projects in the works, and we’re SO excited to share them with you. The absolute best way to help Girlyman during this time is to channel your Girlyfan-dom into these new endeavors: pre-order a CD, come to a show! For more detailed information on Ty’s solo project, you can visit her website at and/or her Facebook page at We will definitely let you know when new projects emerge from the other Girlymen!

Q: Doesn’t Girlyman have a show in New Hampshire in April?
A: We sure do. It’s our last show for a long while, and we’re still planning on playing it. Come and celebrate a last hurrah with us!

Thanks again for all your support.
We love you very much!

With gratitude,
xo Ty, Nate, Doris, and JJ

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15 Responses to Girlyman Subscriptions Canceled

  1. Teresa says:

    I wish you good luck and lots of energy for your upcoming projects and changes. I know how hard you worked on the road, and am surprised you didn’t need a rest sooner. I’m glad I went to the shows I went to. Thanks.

    Lots of love.


  2. Stacy says:

    wow, guys. I feel really bad. while I did not become a subscriber, I think it’s most unfortunate that you got negative feedback. I totally understood your intention, and if I could have afforded it, I would have been more than happy to offer what little financial support a subscription would have offered. I can’t help but think anyone who felt so negatively has never once in their life tried to support themselves with nothing but their own creativity and talent. Having been to at least 10 shows and managing to get a brief interaction and autograph at most of them, while I cannot say we are “friends,” I can attest to your graciousness, and generosity towards your fans. keep your heads up. I’m looking forward to what you (as Girlyman, and as individuals) have in store.

  3. Kevin914 says:

    My ongoing love and admiration for all of you is unbowed and unbroken.

  4. jasonpressman says:

    Negative feedback? About a way fans could choose to get content that would otherwise be unavailable to them – content that takes time to create, edit and upload. Content that was completely optional? I, for one, was thrilled to have a way to keep up with the band and have insider content. I thought the guitar video on Empire was awesome and was hoping for more like that. Maybe I’m just fortunate in that I can afford it, but I didn’t see anyone’s arms being twisted and can’t understand the negative feedback. And I know I speak for many of your fans who, if the 25 or so shows I’ve seen are representative, are mostly great fans. Sigh. Well, I hope things work out for all of you. It sounds like spending every waking minute together for years has understandably taken its toll 🙂 Your music has had a seriously positive impact on me and my girlfriend and my fingers are crossed that you will all play together again sometime. Thanks for many years of awesome music.

  5. Bill says:

    I was a subscriber (admittedly at a low level–only $10/month–but it was what I could afford). I’m sorry to hear that the program is cancelled, and even sadder that some fans misunderstood what you were trying to do. Rest assured, though, that we love you and look forward to whatever the future of Girlyman holds. Thank you all for so much wonderful music and so many great shows (I’ve caught at least 8-9).

  6. Kristin says:

    You guys work so hard. Touring non-stop, getting in late and tired, sleeping in strange places, eating weird food. I’m sorry some fans are choosing not to look at that side of things. They don’t know how hard it is to support yourself as an artist – I can’t believe you’ve made it work so well over the past 11 years, and you have! Take good care of all of your selves – I look forward to hearing the next Girlyman stuff – whether from solo members or as a group. You guys are stellar.

  7. Jack says:

    I understand that the touring model Girlyman must indeed be difficult to sustain, and some stabilized income is definitely beneficial to continuing to create music. I’m sorry that the subscriptions didn’t work out, and I do hope there might be some chances to otherwise financially support the band – maybe mp3s, or some downloads of all those live shows y’all recorded?

  8. Audrey says:

    It’s too bad you had to cancel what was actually a good idea just because of some negative people. Take heart that those negative people weren’t real fans. Real fans understand that people grow and change and have different needs at different times. We have all been blessed by your music and I do hope that you are all successful — together, separately, whatever — in the future! You have made awesome music together and deserve all of our love and support.

  9. Marty says:


    So glad to know you, and so sorry for the negative response to your incredible generosity with the subscriber program. Heaven knows you must need time off after all these years. Love and respect you all so very much. Thanks for the thoughtful Q&A.

    Have a great 2013! Wishing each of you a prosperous, healthy, happy year, whatever shape that takes for you individually or for Girlyman. Rest! Live! Grow! You are so much loved.

    Ty, can’t wait to hear the new release! Doris, Nate, bring it! JJ, would you consider a commission on a stained glass piece? Let me know!

    See you all in Plymouth! Happy Valentine’s Day. Stay well!

    With love and thanks,

  10. Rachel says:

    My very strong feelings on the subject are:
    1. Asking for something is never wrong (especially if one is giving something in return, whether that be a CD, a concert ticket, exclusive content, or love) (and as long as the person asking is genuinely willing to take “no” for an answer).
    2. If someone doesn’t want to give in response to something of that sort, there is no obligation. And if someone doesn’t like that someone else asked, that person does not have to give. That doesn’t mean there was anything wrong with the asking.
    Love me some Girlyman. That is all. Go you. Good job existing.

  11. Dear Ty, Doris, Nate, and JJ,

    We are heartbroken and angry to read about the negative feedback you have gotten to your subscription idea. At this time of tremendous transition, rest, and healing for all of you, we imagine that negativity is the last thing you need. We want to remind you that we live in a toxic culture, where consumerism and capitalism can supercede the needs or consideration of our fellow humans. While all of your fans are undoubtedly good people, being constantly bombarded with Super Wal-Marts and instant downloads has tarnished all of our souls; it can make us lose touch with the fact that there is a greater price behind the goods we are consuming, and that there are actual people producing them. We think this must be what is happening here, because we can’t imagine where the negativity would come from aside from that.

    Well, that is not true. Change is hard, and imagining a world without the known, awesome comfort of your music is hard to take. It is true that we’re super sad knowing that there will be no Girlyman music (in the incarnation we know) in the near future. But while it is hard on us (we are sure you have also had bands you LOVED transform when you weren’t quite ready for it), we can abide, and we can send all kinds of crazy positive vibes into the universe for your well being.

    You have given us music that is beyond description. It is the music of the bodhisattva. It is music that has accompanied us on road trips, through grief and joy and pain, and all the daily ups and downs of life. And your live performances have always been a highlight of our year. Your openness, both onstage and off, to your fans goes above and beyond. The intuition and vulnerability you put into both your music and your performances is uncommon.

    We will miss you.
    We will continue to follow your individual pursuits and passions.
    You each are a gift, and we’re so happy to hear that you are taking steps to take care of yourselves.
    We are grateful; so very grateful. We know so many other fans share our sentiments. We want you to know and believe and trust this, above all else.

    With much gratitude,
    annjie and jenny (and thousands of other people!)
    st. louis, MO

  12. Patrick Peyton says:

    I, too, am sorry that the folks that portend to care for you were so negative about your subscription offer. I chose not to subscribe for personal reasons. I am a person. You are people. I care about you as people.

    You are artists. I am in the audience. Your art moves me in ways that your mortality cannot. I would rather engage your art than subscribe to the process.

    An important element of art is risk. You take a risk whenever you openly share your artistic vision. I take a risk whenever I engage you vision and try to rationalize it with my own.

    We have come a long way together. I have learned to trust your vision even when I don’t share it. For that reason I prefer to directly support your artistic endeavors as a group and as individuals. I will continue to support you in that fashion as long as you care to share you artistic visions with us.

  13. Patti says:

    UGH!!! I just discovered you guys..I am greatful for the music you have made in your time together..however, let me just say maybe this time off will bring you what you’ve all worked so hard for, sometimes we try too hard. You just watch, now your taking this time off things will come together and you’ll become as popular as ever…( from my mouth to Gods ears!)..You are all very talented musicians, I wish you all the best, and hope we hear more from Girlyman in the future.. Much Love, Patti =D

  14. Lisa says:

    I am a bit late to this thread but, having felt the wrath of your “fans” personally when I posted something perceived as disrespectful to the band on Facebook, I had to write/sympathize. I just funded Nate’s Kickstarter campaign and I have Ty’s Jammin Java show on my calendar.

    Best of everything to all of you in whatever you do.


  15. Lou says:

    I have followed you and your simply amazing talent for a very long time. Your music and message has been like a friend through what has been a very difficult ten years in my life. I support each of you in every endeavor and wish you all health and happiness.
    That said I am gemuinely happy for all of you as you start new chapters in your professional lives.

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