Welcome, the Supernova

It’s decided!  The next Girlyman studio album will be named “Supernova.”  Even better, recording has begun in Nate’s home studio.  That means instrument cases lie about, microphones hang from odd places, and dogs must wait to be walked until the band lays down a good track.  I’ll be documenting the process, so check back here to find out how the Girlymagic is unfolding.  After an intense year of very human surprises, and buoyed by the love and gratitude that carried them through, the band is ready to bring new music into the world.

A dog waits

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5 Responses to Welcome, the Supernova

  1. Aaron says:


  2. Lisa Jenn says:

    Aw, little Django! I bet his ears are as sensitive as the Brauner mic!

  3. Gordon Cash says:

    I hope you include Saints Come Marching In. I heard Ty (+ Nate & Doris, of course) perform it a couple of years ago at Barns at Wolf Trap, and I haven’t heard it since.

  4. Jeff says:

    LOVE that song! Can’t wait to hear the whole album.

  5. Amy Carter says:

    When do pre orders start?! 🙂

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