Category Archives: Supernova

Charting “Supernova”

UK and European reviews for SUPERNOVA are rolling in…

…and we just had to post this one. Besides being a glowing review, it was originally written in Dutch. Google Chrome’s translation into English was too funny not to pass on. Enjoy! (Original review was posted on the Belgian music … Continue reading

Posted in Supernova | 6 Comments

Making “Supernova”: The band heads west, things get quiet

After a packed week of recording, Girlyman loaded up the van and headed west to teach at the Rocky Mountain Song School.  At some point before they left Nate pressed the save button, putting all sound tracks into some electronic … Continue reading

Posted in Supernova | 4 Comments

Making “Supernova”: Girlyman goes back into the closet(s)

The recording of Girlyman’s new studio album “Supernova” continues, taking over much of Nate’s house.  He’s generously removed his hanging clothes and blocked off easy access to his washer-dryer in order to convert his closets into sound booths. For this … Continue reading

Posted in Supernova | 4 Comments

Welcome, the Supernova

It’s decided!  The next Girlyman studio album will be named “Supernova.”  Even better, recording has begun in Nate’s home studio.  That means instrument cases lie about, microphones hang from odd places, and dogs must wait to be walked until the … Continue reading

Posted in general posts, Supernova | 5 Comments