Making “Supernova”: The band heads west, things get quiet

After a packed week of recording, Girlyman loaded up the van and headed west to teach at the Rocky Mountain Song School.  At some point before they left Nate pressed the save button, putting all sound tracks into some electronic vault. “Supernova” is taking shape.  Here’s a progress board from early in the week.  The band likes a little mystery to surround what songs will be recorded (I’m not sure they even know), so this is all I’ll show.  As for the rest of the album, we’ll just have to wait.

A little teaser

Check back for more updates when the band returns from the road later this month.

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4 Responses to Making “Supernova”: The band heads west, things get quiet

  1. girlyfan says:

    Pleeeeeeeeease come back to western New York state!!!

  2. Debbie says:

    Loved you at the Rocky Mountain Folks Festival Friday night! Hope to catch you in NYC sometime soon.

  3. Kristy Breitsman says:

    I just really can’t hardly even wait for new stuff. I think you all are simply enchanting.

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